11;15 ma sis text me.
"slm.teh,pekaba?mom soh tanye.sehat ke.keje ok ke.dok ane."
owh great!mom's instinct is alwiz high sense.exactly teh is fine.mnompang uma kwn skola.tp stil mcari uma.keje ok jerk.also sehat jerk.
urm.i alwiz peeping.ma mom bkn mcm mk olen yg salu tanye kaba.
"mk neh.xtepon pon.xtanye pon kaba.xingt ke.mcm xsyg jerk.kalo mk olen bla bla."
absolutely d answer iz alwiz d same.
"ade ke mk xsyg ank?sygla.tp ingt dlm doa wlopon xcol."
waktu skola lu 5thun dok boarding skul tu skali je mom visit tu pon mase nk spm.salu mnumpang parenst fid jer bile wiken.owho.tp sbenaye i realize as d siblings kn rmai.so in grow up we r treated to be gambling survive via own feet.(ape ayat aku ni?aku suke ckp sukeati aku.deyai)
but stil ma mom is d bestla.we can talk to her like fren.since d late father gone.shes's mother yg saham tgah tinggi tp she don want la to get new hubby.ehe.well.u really great mom.i don wan others to b my mom.she;s d PERFECT.
~~~yaaa.tdo awal.esok bnyk tgujawab.
1 comment:
lerr.. bakpe gitu? suh la die kawin nge org kaya. buleh dok rumah goyang kaki.. ngeh2
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