Sunday, November 16, 2008

adobe photoshop :: adab membeli gambar

this iz mainboard of adobe photoshop
the tools appear at the left,right and top of pages
the tools is such brush,color picker,history and etc
adobe photshop family is including adobe CS1,CS2 n d latest CS3
this adobe teach us ow to shop photo or in malay membeli gamba
its function much 4 poto editing
most useful 4 multimedia student
hard to explore for medic student as FYD and mechi student like AC
but easy 4 network engineer like me
during my past lab test 4 subject multimedia
we r question of drawing poster 4 cinema
sound easy?
not really in d given time
its bad 4 me since im not creative of this field
tiade isi penting dlm esei ini.
hanye krn sy ingi hupdate.
sudah hupdate


FiDieYaaa said...

Heh, aku akan buktikan aku serba boleh... hoho....

hawadamQASEH said...

hoho.dr fid tercabar skalik nmpknye.ngeh2.